Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Space Vacuum Theory

Space Vacuum Theory

Image courtesy of 
A simple law of nature can explain the cause and mysteries of:
  • The creation of galaxies immediately after the Big Bang
  • Gasses amassing to become solar systems
  • How heavenly bodies are created
  • The flattened universe
  • Dark energy
  • Black holes
  • Dark matter
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes
  • Lightning's
  • The formation of clouds
  • Mysterious air pockets
  • Atmospheric Low-pressure
  • That matter pulls together
  • How electromagnetic waves travels through space and matter
  • And probably also the strong and weak nuclear force, - and much more
To fully understand this theory, it is necessary to read the chapters in order they are presented.

1. Preface

The natural sciences have for a long time been facing great challenges. In our attempt to understand nature the theories have become more and more ‘unrealistic’ – ranging from dark galaxies, and the search for gravitational particles to the imagination of a sea of dimensions. The more we have found that we could not understand the bigger the need for more mystical theories.
Hereby a theory is presented that in its simplicity and consequences comes out to be unstoppable. With help of this theory we not only see in a new light the big cosmological, meteorological and gravitational mysteries, but also we look deeper into the secrets of the atom and quantum physics.
The secret is a property belonging to space that until now had been overlooked.
A small ‘mistake’ made about 300 years ago became the first cause for unnecessary complication of scientific theories trying to explain a rather simple universe.
This new theory, like a domino effect, will open doors to an incredibly simple understanding of many of the laws of the universe. It will shock and shake the world
as never before. By removing the blindfold from our eyes it will help us to ‘look’ much deeper into the mechanics of nature.
Tornadoes are just one of many examples of mysteries that we have never really understood. This phenomenon becomes more 'clear' when explained by our new theory.

Image courtesy of 


2. Introduction

Dark Matter & Black holes

Hereby a simple theory is presented,  in one short claim it reveals the cause of a number of mysterious phenomenon.
Imagine a galaxy divided into 3 successive areas.
  •  One area furthest out ‘A’
  •  One area further in ‘B’
  •  And one area even further in ‘C’
The space curves around matter (heavenly bodies).  One can instead say that matter ‘pulls’ space.
The matter that is in the outer area ‘A’ of a galaxy is pulling space just as we have imagined since Albert Einstein. (Note that the matter in (area ‘A’) is also pulling in the space in the centre of the galaxy.)
This means that the matter that lies deeper in the galaxy (area ‘B’) lies ‘behind’ the outer matter (area ‘A’) and thereby in a space that is already being ‘pulled’ (from area ‘A’). The matter that lies in area ‘B’ and even deeper (in area ‘C’) must gradually be pulling stronger in the space as one approaches the inner area of a galaxy, - and will therefore create a gradually stronger curvature of the space than we have imagined before.

This new theory is naming this property of space as ‘space vacuum’ (from now on SV). What is meant by this strange word is that galaxies towards their centre ‘amass’ pull in space. According to this theory it is assumed that it is a law of nature that matter demands to pull in the space.
But when the space in a galaxy through a total effort from the matter is powerfully contracted, then the theory claims, that the matter must pull  in space stronger, which then will result in a self-perpetuating process.
In other words, the deeper the heavenly bodies are placed in a galaxy the more these must be pulling in space. The matter positioned even deeper in a galaxy must pull in spaceeven stronger , this in turn adds to the point that the force of the space pull is greater the deeper one penetrates a galaxy. 
Increasing ‘pull’ in space, or one can put in another way, the increasing ‘space vacuum’ in the direction of the centre of a galaxy, gives us the explanation of ‘dark matter’ and finally also ‘black holes’.
Black holes are just the natural centre for the total and strongest part of the space vacuum which a galaxy has amassed – based on what each planet and star has contributed.

Of course black holes do not ‘contain’ non-material matter, and probably there is nothing mysterious about them
; The SV (space vacuum) is completely naturally increasing as one approach the inner area of a galaxy.
It seems that matter always has such a contracting effect on the space within all extended masses.

We are dealing with a law of nature (a property connected to space) that functions alike from the curvature of space around atomic or molecular worlds all the way up to more gigantic
A long
list of 'mysterious' phenomena can now be explained in an intuitively acceptable manner with logic, precision, and detail.  The SV is behind the cause of:
  • The creation of galaxies immediately after the Big Bang.
  • Gasses amassing to become solar systems.
  • How heavenly bodies are created.
  • The flattened universe
  • Dark energy.
  • Black holes.
  • Dark matter.
  • Hurricanes.
  • Tornadoes.
  • Lightning's
  • The formation of clouds
  • Mysterious air pockets
  • Atmospheric Low-pressure.
  • That matter pulls together.
  • How electromagnetic waves travels through space and matter.
  • And probably also the strong and weak nuclear force, - and much more.
Fundamentally this article describes (the known) curvature of the space and thereby the opposite directed property relating to the expansion of the space. This means that a contracting and deforming property of space (that counteracts the expansion of space). The new point here is that space is influenced over much larger distances than we previously have presumed.  In other words, when the space contracts, it is ‘elastic’ (it leaves behindspace vacuum’).
Space and matter are more tightly connected than we usually think. Because matter is pulling in the space around itself, then the same space around the matter will of course be ‘connected’ to the matter. In other words, matter is woven into the surrounding (elastic) space. Therefore when matter can pull the space, then space also can pull the matter. 
An example could be the solar system. When the Earth, Sun and Moon are aligned at new moon, as soon as the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun,  the space here will have to be shared with the space that now also the pull of the Moon (suddenly) requires. What happens here is that ‘the elastic structure of space is 'pulled’ (or one can say that; ‘the space vacuum is increasing’).  In this way the space pulls the tide, as well as space also pull heavenly bodies together.
It is this, the very elastic nature of the space, that has a much larger co-ordinated long distance effect than we previously have known to be the case.

3. The Formation of Solar Systems & Galaxies

Even at the nuclear and molecular levels the same identical regularity is seen.
The space curves around each single atom,  or in other words,  even the single atom creates SV (Space Vacuum).
The result is that the same law of nature (‘space-vacuum-accumulation’) that is seen active in the galaxies,  is also able to explain that in the inward direction of a huge cosmic gas cloud there will immediately emerge a gradually increasing SV. It is this SV that from the beginning gives the cloud a force of contraction.
This means that the gas cloud from the beginning has an increasing amount of SV in the direction of its centre. This increasing SV will (off course) attract and trap more matter from the clouds periphery. Thereby the size of the gas cloud grows in its periphery area. Increasing size of the gas cloud results in increasing SV. As ones sees this a self-perpetuating process.In this process especially the inner space (and matter) get more and more contracted, a protoplanetary disc is slowly emerging. 


Until now it has been a mystery how matter has amassed to become stars, planets and moons, but with our SV theory this self-perpetuating process becomes simple and easy tounderstand.

Contraction of the inner space (of a
n extended mass) is not the same as movement of mattertowards an inner area of a gravitational field.When space is contracted then the nearby matter will amass, but without it the matter would move anywhere. What happen is that space between the matter disappears (or more correctly, available space is used by the matter).
When matter moves towards the central part of a gravitation field,  it comes under influence of the centrifugal force, and will therefore move into endless circularr orbits and thereby would be prevent to amass.   
So even when it looks like there is no difference between contraction of matter and matter's movement into a gravitation field,  it's in reality two completely different events that takes place, and the results are completely opposite to each other.


This simple theory can also easily explain how planets and moons  in a protoplanetary disc must necessarily have been created (and always will be).
When all available matter nearby the gas cloud (disc) is attracted and thereforethe system  no longer grows, the process of increasing space contraction stops
When the gas cloud (disc) stops growing, and thereby also the process of increasing  contraction (SV) stops,  some of the mass of a disc cannot be pulled completely towards the newly formed central body (Sun) simply because the increasing process of space contraction (SV) is powered by the process of a growing cloud. 
This means there certainly will be surplus of matter that cannot be contracted completely and will therefore instead continue to circulate in orbits around the new created Sun.  It is from this surplus of circulating matter that the planets emerge, whereby the process repeats itself (almost simultaneous) twice, until also planets and then moons have been created.
This happens because the surplus of circulating matter is also an extended mass which immediatelys creates a central SV ( this time it results in creation of a planet).
When the surplus of the circulating matter (around new planets) is completely contracted, and thereforethe supply of more matter stops, then also the contraction process stops. A new planet will be created, but because of the contraction process 'suddenly' stops,  not all the matter that was caught in the new gravitation field of the new planet could be contracted, again there is a surplus of matter. This surplus of matter, as cannot be attracted, will circulate on its orbits,  but this time around a newly created planet.
Again a completely similar process that created first the Sun and then the planets will repeat itself and create the moon(s), but this time the process take place in orbit around a new created planet (for instance the Earth) and not in orbit of the (new) Sun. This also explains why huge planets have many moons and not surprisingly why some of big moons have smaller moons as well.


In these phenomena one sees how SV systematically works and is almost 'programmed' to do a complete job. 'Coincidences' are no longer necessary.

The nature of space and matter has clearly the property to immediately enable to create a central point even in the smallest imbalance in the space-matter density. Gravity will therefore automatically outplay itself inwardly in circular self-perpetuating
phenomena.  Therefore there is also nothing strange in understanding that even small variations in density in the young universe was sufficient to immediately trigger the creation of galaxies, then solar systems all the way down in the 'hierarchy' to suns, planets and moons.

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