Sunday, May 5, 2013


I remember back in grade school when I found out that Iceland is more green and Greenland is more icy. My little mind was so confused and blown away that someone could officially name a country whose geographic features did not fit the name! Okay, so it was not exactly with those words (geography, features) but you get my jist. Of course, there is ice and snow in Iceland but generally speaking, it tends to be greener than Greenland. 

So, Iceland, eh? This country is known for it's Blue Lagoon, whale watching, incredibly breath-taking northern lights and grass/moss covered homes. Iceland is a Nordic island in the continent of Europe surrounded by the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. There are about 319,000 people (national language is Icelandic) living on the island. The capital is Reykjavik and the currency is the Icelandic króna. If you visit Iceland and speak to the locals, they will probably ask you where you are from. What do you say?! Halló ég er frá ___. You are probably trying to say it out loud now, right? Me too...
If you are a fellow Pinterest addict, you have probably stumbled across pins of the beautiful Blue Lagoon or Gullfoss that Iceland boasts. These are two of Iceland's main attractions, so when you go, or if you have already gone, those are two places to go/you have gone to. Another lagoon that Iceland is famous for is the Jökulsár Lagoon.

When in Reykjavik
1. Take a break from sight-seeing to go shopping at the Kolaportio Flea Market.
2. Cleanse yourself in the Laugardalslaug Geothermal Pool. 
3. Spend a few hours inside at the Reykjavik Art Museum, National Museum, Reykjavik 871+2, Culture House or the Vikin Maritime Museum. 
4. Buy a pidgin stuffed animal or just see a live one!
5. Hot dog-lovers, you are in luck! The fast food restaurant Baejarins Beztu is every hot dog-lovers heaven.
6. If you aren't a fan of hot dogs, try some other favorite food spots, such as: Vio Tjornina, Babalu, Indian Mango, Saegreifinn, Tapas Barinn, Hereford Steakhouse, Kaffi Solon or Vox. 
7. Drink some brew and jam to live music at Celtic Cross or Cafe Amsterdam.
8. Got kids? Head to Family Fun Park & Zoo.
9. Feeling spooky? The capital offers an 'Original Ghost Walk of Reykjavik'. 
10. Watch some whales!
11. Hang with the locals at Austurvollur- the main square in the city.
12. Book an afternoon of 'Viking Horse-Riding Tour' (My dad would love the Viking part of this!)

Elsewhere in Iceland: 
1. Visit the Askja, which is a stratovolanco.
2. Eat at Perlan- a cool, futuristic looking restaurant.
3. Go to a concert at Harpa concert hall.
4. Attempt to drink some water from the Dynjandi or Aldeyjarfoss waterfalls. 
5. Breathe the Icelandic air at Vatnajokull National Park.
6. Visit the Imagine Peace Tower, built by Yoko Ono, on the island of Videy.
7. If you visit the city of Akureyri, be sure to visit the incredible architecture of Akureyrarkirkja (Church of Akureyri). 
8. Take some Instagram pictures of the Sun Voyager (a sculpture in Reykjavik). 
9. Go skiing, just slide down the mountain or pull a Jon Snow in Game of Thrones at the mountain of Hlidarfjall. 
10. If you love whales, go to the Husavik Whale Museum, in the town of Husavik. 
11. Have your breath taken away at Arnarfjörður.
12. Visit the home of a 1955 Nobel Prize for Literature winner, Halldór Kiljan Laxnes', home. 

Now, if you have ever dreamed about going to Antarctica but rejected the idea in fear of sinking with the icebergs (likelihood is slim to none, but some people fear it), well you are in luck. Tourists from all over the world come to Iceland to participate in a glacier adventure/trek. 

The next post will be on: Czech Republic; the one and only and my motherland (well half of my motherland)!

Keep pushing through this Monday (I have an eternal list of things to do/finish for university) and travel on wadnerlusters!

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