Saturday, May 25, 2013


With all the various social media platforms out there, we often come across Internet celebrities, popular Instagrammers, Youtube sensations, Hollywood celebrities, models, etc., etc. The sad thing is: they are often pretty damn conceited and self-absorbed.

However, there are some out there that are down-to-earth and quite humble. Those are the ones I love! They are a rare kind and deserve to be thanked every once in a while.

Here is my list of 12 down-to-earth inspirational Internet or Hollywood celebrities/models:

1. Cara Delevingne
Beauty, brains, silliness and fun all in one. What's not to love about this gorg model? Her Instagram is raw and real, filled with goofy pics with her fellow model friends and her pigging out on massive plates of food.

2. Karissa Pukas of the Youtube channel Satnightalrite
She broadcasts her life to others without ever talking herself up or bragging about herself; She encourages hers fans to bring others up and not down; Plus she has realistic and relatable views on life. Love her! 

3. Michelle Obama
Even if you aren't a fan of her husband, President Obama, I think it's universally known that the first lady has a spectacular sense of style, advocates a healthy lifestyle and even though she is one of the world's most empowering and important women, she does not flaunt it like many others would. Michelle Obama for America's president 2016?

4. Julianne Hough
She's beautiful, dated Ryan Seacrest, who is down-to-earth himself and loves family time aside from being a celebrity. I follow her on Instagram and she uploads make-up-free and silly face photos all the time, showing her fans she's just your average joe. 

5. Diego Boneta
Are you a Pretty Little Liars fan? You probably remember him as Alex from the first few seasons, where he grabbed our hearts as the adorable employee at the golf club. He mysteriously disappeared from the show but turned up again in the movie Rock of Ages (with Julianne Hough) and captured our hearts again. His Instagram is filled with pictures of him hanging out with his younger siblings and making visits to hospitals and the less forunate. How cute!

6. Chelsea Handler
Everyone's favorite funny girl, she has a gut-wrenching book, she's been in several movies and has her own talk show. We love her sarcasm and quirky jokes which make her fearless when it comes to what she says. It's hard to come by that in Hollywood, since everyone is so worried about their reputation and image. However, she just doesn't seem to give a f**k. Love it. 

7. Hugh Jackman
The pictures says it all. This native Australian loves his family and doesn't let his super good looks and amazing acting skills go to his head. He brings his wife to the red carpet and is always all smiles and laughs. Where are all the Hugh Jackman-like men in the world?

8. Amanda Seyfried
The world was introduced to this actress when Mean Girls came out back in, what was it, 2004? Anyways, she played the stereotypical airhead which made us doubt her, or maybe it showed us just how good of an actress she is. Since then, she has appeared in several other great movies and her humbleness during interviews made all of us love her even more. 

9. Aimee Song of the blog Song of Style
I love fashion and street style, so if you love fashion and street style too, then you have probably come across the blog, Song of Style. I have watched some of her Youtube videos and she just gives off this incredibly down-to-earth vibe even though her closet is the size of a studio apartment and her clothes, shoes, accessories cost just around the average person's monthly paycheck. How can you not love a person like that?

10. Rebel Wilson (Fat Amy)
If you have seen Pitch Perfect then you know just how great Fat Amy is. It's also probably when you fell in love with the outrageousness and hilarious persona she gives off; even though it was just a movie, her character in the movie is quite similar to her real-life personality. On her Twitter she reels in followers by being her hilarious self and posting funny pics with all of Hollywood's A-list celebrities. 

11. Jonah Hill
He's hilarious regardless of his body size. He recently went from being a heavier dude to a skinny-minny but that hasn't upped his ego one bit. He still remains the goofy and hilarious guy we all love to see in the new comedy movies. 

12. Morgan Freeman
Probably one of Hollywood's best actors and has proved that in every single movie he has played in. His fans love him for his humbleness and friendliness. I love him because of that and well, he's just a bad ass. 

Now, if everybody could be like these 12 people, the world would be a better place...don't you think? Of course there are SO many more down-to-earth celebrities/models/etc., that I did not list but these are just a few of my favorites. Who are your favorite down-to-earth inspirations?

Got love all the down-to-earth-ers out there!

Travel on wanderlusters!

Friday, May 24, 2013


You know when you are on vacation (or home) and you go to the ocean/sea/lake/other body of water and it's almost like walking into a dark pit of unknown fear. You walk in and start swimming only to feel something slimy on your feet or legs, fish nibbling at your body or a freaky unawareness of just how deep the water is...I don't know about you, but that scares the living shittake mushrooms out of me and I would rather just lay on the beach and become a lobster instead of experience that.

If you hate it too, here's a list of 34 places throughout the world that has clear water (thank you water gods):

1. Linapacan Island, Palawan, Philippines

2. The Maldives

3. Dog Island, San Blas, Panama

4. Cayo Coco, Cuba

5. Cala Macarelleta, Menorca, Spain

6. Sua Trench, Samoa

7. Crater Lake, Oregon, USA

8. Bak Bak Beach, Borneo

9. Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan, China

10. Sabah, Malaysia

11. Jenny Lake, Wyoming, USA

12. Rio Sucuri, Brazil 

13. Calanque de Sormiou, France

14. Panari Island, Okinawa, Japan

15. Puerto Ayora, Galapagos

16. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

17. Cayos Cochinos, Honduras

18. Primosten, Croatia

19. St. George, Bermuda

20. Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii

21. Pupu Springs, New Zealand

22. Calanque d'En-Vau, France

23. Rio Azul, Argentina

24. Corfu, Greece

25. Aitutaki, Cook Islands

26. Koh Phi Phi Don, Thailand

27. Playa Blanca, Colombia

28. Blue Lake, New Zealand (apparently the clearest water in the world)

29. Konigssee, Germany

30. Valle Verzasca, Switzerland

31. Tioman Island, Malaysia

32. Belo Sur Mer, Madagascar

33. Lake Marjorie, California, USA

34. Bodrum, Turkey

I'm dreaming of basking in these waters, are you?

Travel on wanderlusters!