Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hi all. I have some great news. For those who have been keeping up with my blog, you know I've been doing this for a few months now. Well, DubVmenus has seen my stuff and asked if I'd like to join their team as the food blogger. What does this mean? Well, it means they're basically going to pay for my meals, and I'll post my blogs to their website, as well as continue updating my personal blog. Check that website out here. If you read already, please continue to do so. If you have a Tumblr, follow DubVmenus so you can get my updates right to your dashboard.

The great thing about this is I have total freedom - I already changed the title of the blog, the layout and the grading scale. They had a few interns doing it before, but there are only a handful of posts. I'll begin now, with Yama's this upcoming Monday. Because I'll be blogging under their company, though, I'll be able to gain a few more readers and still get to do what I enjoy doing - writing about new restaurants. If you don't have Tumblr, or don't care, this won't affect anything. Except maybe now I will be able to update a little more since my meals won't cost me an arm and a leg each time.

It's really amazing how a small hobby can get some attention and get you some place if you really dedicate yourself to it.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and as always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here or email me at

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