Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tips For Flying With Senior Citizen

Going on a trip with a senior citizen? We all know the precautions we need to take care of before, while and after the flight. From strategic preparation of packing clothes to taking care of the medical needs, one has to look after every aspect. However, if you follow the below mentioned tips you both will have a good flying experience.

While at the airport before boarding

• The most important thing to remember is to have a hand-carry bag. This bag will be of great help to your elder companion as he/she will have easy access to all the important stuff. Do check out for the medicines, hand towels and small nitty-gritty's in the bag. Also see for the medical guardian vitamins and health insurance card.

• Always give the company to your elderly, so that he/she doesn't get bored. Keep an eye on your companion and never leave him/her alone. Elderly person will likely to walk around and that is too risky at the airport. With so much inflow and outflow of passengers, the elderly will most like to have anxiety fear. Even if you need to go somewhere urgent, make your companion seated at safe place and get back as quickly as possible.

While on the plane

• Assist your companion in finding the seat, after when you found the seat help them to put latch on his/her seatbelt. Safety belt is the most important safety device on seat, it helps the wearer from any harmful movement during takeoff and landing. If your companion is first time on the airplane, then teach him/her, how to lock and unlock the seatbelt.

• Always care about the comfort of your elderly. Help him/her to recline the seat so that he/she can easily lay back and take rest. If the companion is feeling too cold, then ask crew for the blanket. If it's a long trip make sure you comfort them from time to time by asking them, how are they feeling? This will surely help the elderly companion to fly with ease.

• Always look out for the signs of travel sickness or motion sickness. If your companion is feeling too dizzy, then you should help them by giving out medicines to relieve the travel sickness.

After the arrival

• Help your senior to assist him/her in carefully taking out from the aircraft. To avoid any untoward incident like tripping or stumbling, always be with them and guide theme. Always offer your hand to the senior if you are going down the stairs. • Don't let your senior to carry the luggage, since they have grown old you should always give them a helping hand for the luggage.

With the money saved from the Cheap Flights, you should definitely buy a special gift or souvenir to let your senior know, how much you love him/her. It will be the most cute and sweet gesture from your part.

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