Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An Ostrich Farm

Today I made a solemn vow.  From now on I am going to stop at every roadside attraction that I've ignored for decades.  I've been too eager to get to the final destination that I've missed countless adventures along the way.  No more.  I am stopping at every historical landmark, every museum, mom and pop store and freak show that crosses my path.

I must have passed Ostrich Land a thousand times and never stopped until now.  So what if I'm late for a meeting or dinner at grandma's.  It's not everyday I get to feed an ostrich!

 "An ostrich feather?  Are you kidding me?"
"But it's so elegant!"
"Just when I think you have good taste, you pull a stunt like this."
"I won't wear it in public, I promise."
"If I had eyes, I'd be rolling them right now."
"You're a real trooper, Mimi."

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