Sunday, June 19, 2011

Roman Mosaics

Mosaic "cave canem", House of Tragic Poet, Pompeii
Mosaic floor, House of Dionysus, Cyprus
Mosaic floor, House of the Gladiators, Cyprus

Every time I wear these necklaces, images of ancient mosaics float around in that part of my brain that lives in Never Never Land.  Did I once live in Ancient Rome?  Hmmm.  Cyprus?  Most definitely.

"Am I wearing Armani?"
"Whoa.  And it looks like a mosaic.  Something subliminal is going on.  Creepy!"

House of the Neptune Mosaic, Herculaneum
Mosaic floor, Women's Baths, Herculaneum
House of the Mosaic Atrium, Herculaneum

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