Monday, July 11, 2011

Hang Gliding in Yemen

A large crowd of men and boys had gathered on top of a cliff.  They were dancing in circles, waving their daggers in the air to the beat of drums.

"What is going on?" we asked our driver.  "Is it a wedding?"

He pulled into the crowd and got out.   Upon his return he had a big grin on his face.   "Some crazy American, an English school teacher and a very famous Yemeni boxer are about to jump off the cliff.  Would you like to watch?"

Don't know if they ever actually flew over this view.  We spent two hours watching them fiddle with their gear.  Our driver insisted we leave.  He wanted to show us Hadda, a pretty village with lots of trees and sloping terraces with stone walls.  Ah, Yemen--a surprise around every corner.

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