Thursday, July 21, 2011

Redondo Beach Pier

Did you know surfing was introduced to America at Redondo Beach, California, in 1907?  I didn't either until I read the plaque underneath this bronze bust of a man named George Freeth.  He was born in Honolulu in 1883 and revived the lost Polynesian art of surfing.  He came to California to promote this new found sport and it has been part of our culture ever since.

This is why I love to travel.  Little by little the history of our world is revealed in the most unexpected places.  There is a tidbit of knowledge around every corner.  On the evening we strolled the pier, the Air National Guard Band of the Southwest was playing Gershwin to an enthusiastic crowd.   The night was warm.  Carmageddon fizzled.  Life was good.

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