Monday, July 25, 2011

Visit to SAP

Tony woke me up at 6 AM since we had to leave early for a company visit. Thanks Tony, you are very nice room partner and friend.
We visited the SAP office at 8:30 AM . We had to deliver 10 mts presentaion on SAP. Tony deleivered the first presentation for our group and raised the bars for others.We had warm welcome by Philips from SAP. Then we had long session about SAP business strategy . It was very interesting and informative. Everybody was asking good questions and Philips had patience to answer all of them. Got some interesting information that if you work for SAP Germany for more than 3 years , you get BMW. Sounds intersting.!!! ( if you want BMW, try SAP)
We had a good lunch at SAP . Philips was standing outside and waving us hands till our bus left the premises of SAP.
Overall very very good experience !!!
After SAP visit we came back to hotel. The tour guide Michael is very interesting person. He entertained us on way and played good music and told good stories. Goodie ! Goodie !!
Then we had very good session from George, who stayed in Silicon valley for 8 years and then came back to Germany. He talked about the business culture in Germany and some dos and donts about the German culture. Very useful information on international business.
We had a short quiz of 30 mts (tense peiod post lunch:)
Overall day was good. Evening had beer and dinner with Don , Rita and Tammy.

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