Friday, August 12, 2011

The Olgas

Ayers Rock may upstage the Olgas in the travel brochures, but these 36 little sisters to the big guy are far prettier and much less intimidating.  At sunset they seem to float on the sand.  Erosion has cut into the once giant mountain to form smaller clusters of rocks.  We did not have a car in Alice Springs so took a tour bus over to see this dramatic scenery, spending hours soaking up the sun and admiring the views.

Meanwhile, back at Rocky Nook Park in Santa Barbara, Mimi models yet another bird print.  Although the landscapes of Australia were awesome, the bird life caught us entirely by surprise.  "Did someone open the door to an aviary?" my traveling buddy asked.  Seeing cockatoos in the wild, I swear, was as thrilling as seeing the Olgas and Ayers Rock.  I couldn't resist buying this blouse at a vintage store in L.A. last week.  Wisely, Mimi is keeping mum.

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