Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cerulean Still Life

Why do people buy clothes?  The number one reason, of course, is necessity.  We need clothes for work, for play, and for those special events.  For us shopping addicts, however, sometimes the answer is none of the above. Do we really need a hundred shoes?  Thirty jackets?  No.  And yet we keep shopping.  Fashion is our art.  The way we express ourselves and our daily moods. We buy a certain piece of clothing for the design, the fit, or in the case of the above pants, the gorgeous color of blue. Usually it is to pair with something else in our closet.  Everyday we can mix and match with something different, making getting dressed in the morning a very pleasurable task.

These Piazza Sempione cropped pants caught my eye the minute I walked into the store.  Cerulean reminds me of the Mediterranean Sea, the sky after a storm, a mosaic in Portugal.  For someone whose closet is made up of neutrals, this gorgeous color filled a void.   The fact that they fit me perfectly clinched the sale.
This summer I wore them with this Diane von Furstenberg top.  Mimi's happy because I finally found a floral to wear!  And as the weather turns cooler, cerulean is beautiful with black and gray. 

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