Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Old Basilica
New Basilica
Of all the sacred destinations in the world, the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the most famous.  The iconic image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is recognized worldwide.   I find it interesting that it was in the month of December in 1531 that Juan Diego saw the vision of Mary.  She told him to build a church on the very spot she was standing.  The bishop was skeptical and asked him for proof.  He went back to the site and the vision appeared again, this time leading him to some roses that had miraculously bloomed in winter. (Sound familiar?)   He placed the roses in his apron and returned them to the bishop.  When the bishop took the roses he found Mary's imprint on Diego's apron. 

The Catholic Church could not stop the rumors of the miracle and natives poured into Mexico City to worship at the little chapel that had been built on the site.  The old basilica was completed in 1709, and Juan Diego was beatified by the Pope himself in 1990 at the new church.

   My traveling buddy and I climbed the steps to the shrine along with hundreds of other pilgrims.  A few of them were climbing the entire pathway on their knees.  Witnessing such events of intense devotion, I feel pangs of jealousy.  Why can't I believe in miracles?  If I were to tell these people that the image was painted; that the church built the basilica on the site of an ancient temple of the Aztec goddess Tonantzin;  that they borrowed the myth of virgin birth to make conversion to Christianity easier, they would simply not listen.  And who am I to scoff at such blind faith?  Praying is a way to comfort a wounded soul. 

"So why do you keep insisting on visiting these places?" my traveling buddy asks.  "Because of the art."  The painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe is beautiful with its vibrant blues and golds. Her face is serene and symbolizes the nurturing of mothers everywhere.  Indeed, this particular painting is as famous as the Mona Lisa.   I think the artist should have received the acclaim he so richly deserved.

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