Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Border Fence

I hate this barrier along the Mexico-U.S. border.  I cringe every time I drive through Tijuana and see the ugly thing snaking across the landscape.  Sections of this fence are found mostly in the urban areas along Texas, Arizona and California.  I am writing this strictly from a traveler's point of view--someone who loves nature and is saddened when such measures are put in place.  It is a blight on an otherwise magical land.

I don't understand the paranoia behind it.  Has it really stopped illegal immigration?  No.  Slowed it down a bit maybe, but desperate people continue to find their way across.  They dig tunnels or try to walk across inhospitable deserts and mountains only to starve to death in their attempt to seek a better life.  Five thousand people have died.  How many more will it take before people realize walls don't work?  Has history taught us nothing?

The Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona has suffered severe erosion and flooding.   Ecosystems along the Rio Grande have been damaged.  Wildlife that used to roam freely between the north and south have lost habitats, watering holes, food and even mates.  The construction of these fences have violated the Wilderness Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, and these are only a few of the environmental laws that were waived so this thing could be built.

The border wall is an eyesore and a slap in the face to our southern neighbor.  It is costly, deadly and an environmental nightmare.  Mark my words.  It will come down.  I only hope I'm still around when it does.
Tecate Border  

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