Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Famous physicist admitted that he was in contact with extraterrestrial intelligence
Recently, the scientific community went into shock of recognition shared by American scientist Jack Sarfatti - one of the most authoritative experts in the field of quantum physics. According to him the impetus that awakened his scientific curiosity, he had contact with an unknown reason, became in his teenage years. Warned me, physicist admits that my revelations could severely harm my opinion of kolegige to me. But I am serious scholar, and I used to be honest and fair in everything adds Sarfati. I am convinced that a person involved in science has no right to hide objective facts to be crafty with their conscience, to please public opinion. If you are not yet able to explain some things it does not mean they do not exist, argues said. "Freak" in science Jack Sarfatti was born on September 14, 1939 in Brooklyn, New York in a poor family of Italian Jewish Chaim Sarfatti and his wife Mildred. After finishing school talented youth receive from the Italian charity funds for education. In 1960 he became a bachelor of physics Diploma in defending Cornell University, under the direction of Hans Bethe, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1967 During the period 1967-1971, the Sarfatti teach physics in a number American universities, then some time in higher education restaurants in London, International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, then the crest of success back in the States. In science Sarfatti occupies a special place. From the outset it scientific work is characterized by its sharp focus on established views, its own vision of modern problems. He constantly iskazva against division between hamunitarnite and science, considering them a single entity and calling physics "philosophy of modern science." The range of his interests is unusually large - this is the theoretical justify parapshilogoichnite phenomena, and quantum physics, and issues further with the mind and ways of increasing life expectancy and the future conquest of space. Sarfati offers a solution to the famous theorem of Bell, assuming the existence of subatomic particles in a special telepathic connection (traditional physicists jump by such words as telepathy, parapsychology, etc. and carefully narichant nonlinear relationship). According to him, the unidentified flying objects, the existence of which, for many researchers is taboo behind the confines of scientific interest are ambassadors of the future, fully terrestrial aircraft, but operating principles, yet unknown to man because they belong to the time is yet to come. One of my favorite ideas Sarfati is thought that our future determined by the present. This is arguably the traditional thinking status as scientists turned upside down all our notions of causal links sledstvanite but fits perfectly in from scientific constructions of Sarfatti. This relationship can not to mention the words of the great Niels Bohr that science not reject the insane ideas. The question is is it sufficient crazy idea to make science interesting ... Great madmen in the history of mankind show that all ingenious ideas, then served as a basis for sweeping breakthroughs in science and technology, contemporaries faced a knife, proclaiming them to nenanuchni, fantasy and daydreaming. Thus, in 1860 Professor Pogensdorf claimed that it is impossible to transmit human speech off by electric signals and thought the phone for "such mythical ideas as a unicorn." Millionaire JP Morgan, seeing how the phone works, wrote to his inventor Bell that this device is unprofitable. In his book "fouls critics" Duncan writes that in January 1906 the magazine "Scientific American" refused to publikava message first flight of the Wright brothers, calling it a lie. In 1933, the brilliant physicist Lord called Rezerdorf release of atomic energy bezsmislitsa.A in full in June 1945 Admiral Lee said that the Manhattan Project was the largest folly of all who have ever pravili.Tazi bomb never to explode. I say this as an expert in explosives. " After a month, however, was the first atomic bomb exploded. In 1945, Doctor of Physics V.Bush claimed that no missile can not fly more than 3,000 miles, and in 1960 Dr. Richard Vulsi assured that space flight is an absolute "junk." Make faces in 1957 Sir Harold Spencer Jones, the famous astronomer, wrote in "New sayatist" that "will take generations before man landed on the moon." 12 years after Neil Armstrong walked on the satellites 3emyata. But back to the topic What happened to Jack Sarfatti future physicist in his youth? In 1952, when I was 12 years old, says Sarfati, there was a phone ringing. The handset heard a strange metallic voice. Stranger introduced himself as the UFO board computer and said I want you to contact aliens. They intend to teach me some knowledge and asked me for my consent. I was given the freedom to choose. I remember back in my spine ants. It was scary, but incredibly innteresno. Briefly began to doubt: it would not be a sexual pervert? Some guy who was going to kill me? But in the end I said "yes." I was a boy and the opportunity to participate in such an amazing adventure proved stronger than fear. Then I ran into the street - then living in Brooklyn. My mother was not home. I ran to his friends and shouted: "Hey, you just called me from a flying saucer! They no longer fit here! They will take me through the window and take me with you ". We were kind hopeless children, gang boys almost the same as in the movie "Generals of sand quarries." Came, but of course nothing happened. Insults Jack decided chya someone has cruelly mocked him. But strange calls did not stop. Later, Jack's mother said they were not less than ten. Yes, my mother better remember what Jack continues. I turns out I quite forgot. Mama said that several weeks during which they zvaniha me, I roamed around with an absent look, and I acted so strange that it frightened about my health. In one day alone she came to the phone and heard the salutation of this same computer. Metallic voice did not make any impression. She said sternly: "Leave my boy alone. And no more rings I have not heard. Otherwise you will take action. " My mother, a strong woman, said word of his heavy flying saucer or god knows what. This was all over - The computer more do not call. Sarfatti remembers what he told the newcomers, but is confident that the information received has played a significant role in his career. It never left feeling that the sources of his scientific ideas osebono affecting mental phenomena are related in any way to these children's experiences. After many years Jack Sarfatti decided Bell's theorem, in the accounts of his many important discoveries in quantum physics. And top it all laid scraping metallic voice gave away ever before very poor years in Brooklyn. What is the essence of Bell's theorem, designed by Sarfatti? The most simple and short, every part of the world brings about all matter in the universe. So everything is connected to everything. Such an understanding of the world has existed long before the birth of quantum mechanics and Bell's theorem, as in Buddhism. Incidentally fathers of quantum mechanics claimed that their "new physics" has similarities with eastern theology. Bell's theorem admits esoteric phenomena and parapsychology. It's possible to predict the future and confirms the theory of torsion (information) fields that are intensively developing in our time by a small group of scientists, but not accepted by orthodox science. Sarfati is convinced that the theorem is a discovery that could be a jump in the integration of science and religion. Why all the 38 years of existence "big science" treads in place? Most scientists or say that "Bell's theorem is proven, but ... is not correct", or tend to the "Copenhagen interpretation", which states that most of the discoveries in science are not in the real world, but in what the you see or want to see it. "Copenhagen interpretation" developed by Niels Bohr and his colleagues in 1926, 1928. Her treatment is not straightforward. It is difficult to find two scientists to interpret it the same way. Basically "Copenhagen interpretation" is the last refuge of orthodox when they need to otkrekat something unintelligible. Bell's theorem is proven both theoretically and experimentally. And therefore, if you take into account the "Copenhagen interpretation", there is no reason not to believe her. Except one: to think that our world is not the same as that described in quantum mechanics, which generated the Bell. Explicit opinion Sarfati is: Bell's theorem - a fact that is not perceived by the people due to "blunt" psychology. "If this is not within my mind, then it is wrong" - a principle in psychology that many people perceive the world. In recent years *** Sarfati withdraw from teaching activity, devoting all his time to writing popular science books, which tries to give even an approximate answer to the hottest issues being: "What are we? Where we came from, where we are going? ". From his pen have come many books with suggestive titles like "Superkosmos", "Matrix of Destiny," "Time and prostrasnstvo: an attempt to explain the inexplicable" and others.
contact with extraterrestrial,
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