Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The hell
Hell real? - The basics People around the world are asking: "Is hell real?" Can you really have a physical place of burning torment and punishment spoken of in the Bible? Only three out of ten people (31%) saw Hell as an actual location: "a place of physical torment where people can be sent." 1 This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about hell and its existence. Since the Bible is the foundation of the doctrine of hell, you will see that it is addressed and referred to in this material. Hell real? - Why it was created? The question is why the hell there puzzled many people over the centuries. Countless were asked: "If God is so good, why has created a place as hell?" This is similar to the question: "If our government is so good, why has performed shut?" The answer seems simple enough - places like hell and prisons exist because some people will decide to do something wrong and because of that, they should be punished. It is relatively easy to understand how this reasoning applies to the existence of prisons, but it really goes to hell? In the biblical account of creation found in Genesis does not mention a place called hell. Everything God made at creation was good. However, the Bible tells us in Matthew 25:41 that hell was prepared later for "the devil and his angels" (see Isaiah 14:12). God did not create hell for people, never his intention was not a man or woman should go to hell. In 2 Peter 3:9, we learn that God does not want "anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." What is hell? Hell is a real place. We know that many verses in the Bible, some of them spoken by Jesus Himself, and we know that the wicked and unrighteous will go there when they die. So once again we go back to basics, that God is good and life in hell is terrible, so why God created such a place? Although originally created hell for Satan and the angels who fell with him, there will be men and women to hell. Hell real? - Why people go there? Hell real? Hell is a place of eternal separation from God and people go there when they die because they choose to be separated from God while living on earth. God created us with free will to make choices and separation from God is one of the choices that we make available. Our free will is a wonderful gift from God, so that He does not force us to love Him and follow. Without our free will, we will be nothing but puppets or robots that do not meet God and certainly does nothing to improve our lives. Although God wants everyone to choose to love Him, some people will reject Him. These people will die in their sins and be separated from God forever in hell. Many would argue that this is unfair and that a loving God would never create a system like this, however, it is God's love for us and that He is perfectly just, tell us why there is hell and why men and women choose to go there. God loves us so much he respects our freedom of choice. If we choose not to love Him, then why would have us to live with Him forever in heaven? Would not life for eternity with someone you love, is hell anyway? God wants to spare those people who do not like to have to live with Him and be under His authority in eternity. Hell real? - Is it punishment for the wicked? Many people answer "no" to the question "Is hell real? '. These people would like to believe that when we die, we go to heaven or hell, but simply cease to exist. However, would not God who sends us into the nothingness of death to be as "cruel" as one who enables us to freely choose their own destiny, which can be hell? Even atheist Friedrich Nietzsche said that he would rather chose eternal conscious suffering to non-existence. God's perfect justice requires also be hell to punish unrepentant and wicked among us. As Walter Martin writes about the existence of hell and eternal punishment in his book "The Kingdom of the Cults" They perceive that God is love, but forget that because He is Love, He and justice should require endless revenge for every who trampled under foot the precious blood of Christ, who is the Lamb slain for lost sinners from the foundation of the world. " What a loving God would He, if the wicked never punished? Why has sent His Son to die for our sins if we reject this redemption, and ultimately did not pay the price? What incentive would we have to do good and to love God if we knew that we reject His Son and decide to do evil in my entire life and never be punished? We do not want this lack of justice in the streets of our cities, so why should we expect God to judge the entire universe?
the hell
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