Monday, April 29, 2013


Lately I have been obsessing over interior design and I find myself glued to the screen whenever browsing through the Pinterest 'Home Design' section.
So, this is a fun, non-travel related post! Enjoy and have a lovely morning browsing (at school when you are bored or at work when you are drinking your first cup of coffee).


I love doing these types of posts, so I think I will make this a weekly thing- plus it's a nice break from all the travel posts. Also, I want to do a little 'What I am loving this week' at the end of a post sometime in the week. Starting this week sometime I will begin to do that.

Have a fabulous Tuesday and travel on wanderlusters!

P.S. It's the last day of April (on my side of the world)--where does time go!? I have two weekends of work left, three weeks of classes + exams left, I am moving into the new flat in the next few weeks, in 21 days my best friend comes to Prague and then we are off for our mini Euro-trip!!

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