Thursday, May 2, 2013


Ah, Ecuador, or the Republic of Ecuador, home to almost 15 million people and on the western side of South America. Ecuador borders Colombia, Peru and the Pacific Ocean (canoe from California to Ecuador? Me thinks yes!) The capital is Quito and the national currency is the U.S. dollar. Todo el mundo habla espanol.

 Head to Ecuador's main city, where the excitement is-- Quinto
1. Like Prague, Quinto has an Old Town!
2. Spend a few hours in the Museo Guayasamin, Museo del Banco Central or the Museo Etnografico de Artesania de Ecuador (looks extremely interesting- it's about the indigenous peoples of Ecuador). 
3. Munch on some authentic South American cuisine at: La Briciola, Hasta La Vuelta, Cafeteria Fabiolita.  
4. Start the day at one of the many breakfast cafes: Kallari or Magic Bean.
5. Visit the extravagant Basilica del Voto Nacional. 
6. Breathe easy at the Cotopaxi National Park, Parque El Ejido or Parque la Carolina.
7. Visit several of the surrounding volcanoes: Ilalo, Cotopaxi, Atacazo and Rucu Pichincha.
8. Throw your hands up on a roller coaster at Vulqano Park (an amusement park).
9. Wander around Plaza Grande for a while and take some tourist photos.
10. Drink a little, eat a lot and be fabulous in the La Mariscal neighborhood.
11. Spend a few hours gazing at the Colonial Homes.
12. Visit the Mitad del Mundo/Middle of the World Monument...literally, the middle of the world and then see the pretty animals at the Quito Zoo!

Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador is located in the Azuay Province:
1. Cave in and let someone guide you around a tour of the Inca Ruins of Ingapirca.
2. Spend a lazy day slowly walking around Museo Pumapungo or the religious museum, Museo de las Conceptas. 
3. Grab some souvenirs for your favorites back home at the Plaza de San Francisco Market. 
4. Snap some photos at Rio Tomebamba & Calle Large.
5. Grab a meal at: El Maiz, La Barraca, Cafe Austria, Tiestos or Moliendo Cafe. 
6. Satisfy your sweet tooth at Tutto Freddo. 
7. Get holy at the New Cathedral of Cuenca and Mirador de Turi...or get holy old-school at the Old Cathedral of Cuenca.
8. Visit the El Cajas- the national park in Cuenca.
9. Wander around Plaza Abdon Calderon. 
10. Smell the South American flowers at Ecuagenera.

Bored of the city scene? Explore the rest of beautiful Ecuador: 
1. Rent a car or take a bus for 3 hours to the Otavalo Market- South America's largest market. 
2. Breathe in the fresh rainforest air for 3 days on an Amazon Rainforest trip- starting at just $100. 
3. Venture for 3 to 4 days on the Quilotoa Loop.
4. Visit the Valley of Longevity and Vilcabamba.
5. Forget land, go to the Galapagos Islands!
6. Go to the middle of the world...literally, the middle of the world: the Equator (Mitad del Mundo). 

I am so excited to be moving to South America (Uruguay) in a year- I will definitely be making a trip over to Ecuador during my stay. The country and it's nature all looks so beautiful and refreshing. It's officially on the list for spring 2014 travels!

The next post will be on: Iceland.

Travel on wanderlusters!

P.S. I came across this article last night and I loved it. I will write a post about my thoughts/experience and opinions on this but here is the article for you to give a read. How beautiful is she? Gorgeous.

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