Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shopping in Lisbon

A Lesson Learned

"You should buy the skirt, too."
"No, it's way too matchy-matchy."
"You're going to regret it."
"Besides, it's too tight."
"Not that tight.  You need to lose a little weight anyway."
"I have a jean skirt and a navy skirt to go with it."
"You're going to regret it."

And I do.  I wish wish wish I had bought the matching skirt.  MIMI IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

No regrets here.  This was a "grab and go" purchase at a department store in Lisbon. I love the cloth beads that are attached  to the sweater. At home I paired it with a silk CP Shades tank.

I learned a lesson in Lisbon.  Shopping decisions need to be made more quickly when traveling.  Chances are you will not return to that store ever again.  There are museums to see, trains to catch, and traveling companions whose feet are aching.  Listen to your inner Mimi.  If you love it, buy it.  Trust me, you'll have no regrets.

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