Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Costa Rican Tale

We drove from one coast to the other and took a detour on the way to Tamarindo to the small town of Guaitil, which is known for its hand made pottery.  We walked from shop to shop, admiring everything, but buying nothing.  There were simply too many choices.

Finally, at the edge of town in the very last shop, I felt a tug at my elbow and looked down.  A little boy, no more than eight years old, shyly spoke.  "Senora, mi escuela se vende de las ceramicas.  Quisera usted verlas?"

"Si, very much so."  He took me by the hand and escorted me to his school a few blocks away and introduced me to his teacher.

"All the money from the ceramics we sell here goes to pay for the children's books," she said.

Decision made.  Mimi proudly wears my purchase


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