Friday, June 3, 2011

Flora and Fauna of Costa Rica

Hiking in the rain forests of Costa Rica is a misnomer.  I take a few steps.  Stop.  Gawk.  Snap a picture.  Take a few more steps.  Crane my neck to see the toucan above me.  Take a few more steps.  Snap another picture.  Take a drink of water.  A short walk can take all day!

I don't like monkeys, though. throwing things at me.  (Why are these little creatures so mean?)  And the roar of the howler monkeys is downright scary, especially in the pitch-black of night.  But I keep going back for more.  Honduras is next!
And I'll be taking these new linen pieces with me in the colors of white and mud.  I have a love/hate relationship with linen.  I hate ironing, but when I'm traveling in humid countries, there is no fabric more comfortable and wrinkled clothes simply don't matter in the rain forests.

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