Thursday, August 11, 2011

What an amazing experience! I can barely begin to absorb all that we saw and learned. I want to thank Don, Rita and Shannon for creating such an inspirational and educational opportunity. I arrived home so inspired and motivated to move ahead personally and professionally. It’s difficult to decide which of the many events was the most fulfilling … the engineering precision of the BMW plant, the creativity and innovation of Nokia Siemens, or the insight and knowledge of so many of the speakers. I personally took so much from the vast experience these professionals so willingly shared with us.

All this was only further bolstered by the many cultural experiences. Munich was such a welcoming city. The visit to Dachau was so poignant; it’s difficult to put into words how deeply moving it was to be able to visit such a salient piece of history. It’s something I will never forget. By contrast the light hearted and quaint Salzburg - under the skilled guidance of Michael - provided such a wonderful insight into that city’s historic past.

Thanks again to Don, Rita, Uday and Shannon for creating such a wonderful event; to my team Tammy, John R. and Flaiyh for their input and support; and to my cohorts for making this an adventure of a life time … or to quote Michael - Goodie, Goodie, Goodie!

P.S. I found a job posting for Nokia Siemens in the HR department … think Don would let me telecommute?!

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