Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out with the Old

and in with the new . . .

I couldn't believe my luck this week.  My old most favorite boots in the whole world, which I purchased two years ago,  were literally falling apart from traipsing hither and yon. Should I throw them out?  Should I get them resoled?  I've been debating this issue for weeks, but when I walked into one of my favorite Santa Barbara stores, Natasha,  there they were!  I couldn't believe it.   My beautiful Eric Michaels!   In my size!  It was the fastest purchase I've ever made, and a good omen for the new year!

"Well, these boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do . . ."

To more magical places all over the world.
Happy New Year Everybody!  
And Happy Travels!

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