Sunday, May 22, 2011

$30 grocery list

At some point in every college student's life, there comes a time when the purse strings get a little tight. With moving into my new apartment and the subsequent down payments and security deposits that come with the joy of moving, my wallet was feeling a little light. I made it my goal to make a grocery list of not more than $20 worth. There were a few essentials that wouldn't make the cut, so I bumped it up to $30. The healthiness isn't ideal, but it will get me by the next week or two. Here's what I got at Kroger:

  1. Ramen Noodles (2) = $1.98
  2. Canned vegetables (3) = $2.22
  3. Bread = $1.50
  4. Cheese = $1.79
  5. Milk = $1.79
  6. Mashed Potatoes = $1.79
  7. Macaroni & Cheese (3) = $2.52
  8. Pasta = $1.05
  9. Pasta Sauce = $1.66
  10. Hot Dogs = $1.50
  11. Tuna = $0.89
  12. Lunch Meat = $2.99
  13. Canned fruit (2) = $2.10
  14. Soup (3) = $3
  15. Canned Pasta (2) = $2

24 ITEMS $28.81

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